Our Mission

Justice Without Borders creates transnational access to legal assistance for victims of labour exploitation and human trafficking
so that they can seek rightful compensation, even after returning home.

Who We Are

We are a regional non-profit organisation that support victims of labour exploitation and human trafficking in seeking compensation against their abusers, even after they return home. In Asia, we work across Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines to grow the capacity for access to justice. We then drive groundbreaking civil litigation that turns the extraordinary of cross-border compensation claims into the ordinary.

Our Stakeholders

We serve migrant workers who have faced labour exploitation and human trafficking. As a regional organisation, we work with frontline aid organisations, caseworkers, government agencies, law firms, lawyers, law students, legal aid associations, and university clinical legal education programmes. We are immensely thankful for the support of our funders who ensure that we can continue this work.

2022 Annual Report