Building Cross-border Access to Justice for Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore

This document provides a brief overview of JWB’s experience in developing cross-border access to civil justice for migrant workers returning home from Singapore. This document may be helpful to both lawyers and frontline community service organizations assisting workers who cannot stay in Singapore to pursue their claims.

2023 Annual Report

2023 was the year we put the pandemic behind us and stretched into the world again. We hammered out new training and casework milestones in bringing justice home for migrant workers. Check out the work we achieved with our partners together!

Strategic Legal Research Series: False Imprisonment on Domestic Workers in Singapore – A Comparative Report

Under a research project jointly developed with Morrison Foerster, Justice Without Borders (JWB) is pleased to launch a comparative law report on false imprisonment laws in Singapore and the Commonwealth.This research is important not only to our organisation but also to pro bono lawyers and other nonprofit organisations around the world that work with vulnerable persons. To all those who have contributed to this research, in both small and big ways, you have aided our efforts to make justice accessible to migrant workers and other vulnerable groups in our communities.

Guidelines for Practitioners in Managing Cases of Indonesian Migrant Workers in the Evidence Collection Process

Together with Ginting & Reksodiputro (in association with Allen & Overy), Pertakina, and SBMI, JWB has launched a comprehensive guide on evidence collection for practitioners involved in Indonesian Migrant Workers (IMW) cases. By detailing the legal basis, required documents, sample letters, and step-by-step procedures for each case, this guidance equips practitioners to navigate the complex landscape of IMW cases effectively.

2022 Annual Report

Justice Without Borders Annual Report 2022

Migrant Domestic Workers & Excessive Agency Fees: Cross-Border Perspectives from Singapore and Indonesia

Together with Tan Kok Quan Partnership (TKQP), King & Spalding LLP (Singapore), JWB has launched the Strategic Legal Research Series, " Migrant Domestic Workers & Excessive Agency Fees: Cross-Border Perspectives from Singapore and Indonesia”. This research includes discussions on the different perspectives that Indonesia and Singapore have on this issue - for example, the different practical concerns that need to be taken into consideration, as well as the different laws and guidelines within each country. To add on, the research also delves deeper into the possible methods of legal recourse that can be taken in each of the two countries.

Strategy Guide against Overcharging

To explore the potential of cross-border collaborations among caseworkers, JWB has partnered with C&G Law (Philippines) and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (Hong Kong) to produce the ‘Strategy Guide against Overcharging: An Overview of the Regulatory Structure around Agency Fees in the Philippines-Hong Kong SAR (China) and Singapore & Legal Remedies Available to Overcharged Migrant Workers", with input and/or assistance from pro bono lawyers from Tan Kok Quan Partnership (TKQP) (Singapore), Drew & Napier LLC (Singapore) and Morrison & Foerster (Singapore) LLP. This Strategy Guide seeks to provide a complete mapping of the regulatory structure around agency fees along the Philippines–Hong Kong corridor and the Philippines-Singapore corridor, as well as the legal remedies available to MDWs along this migration route who have been charged illegal agency fees.

Safe Migration Procedure

Together with Ginting & Reksodiputro, Allen & Overy LLP, JWB has launched our strategic legal research on “Safe Migration Procedure for Migrant Domestic Workers”. The Research focuses on the compilation of sets of Indonesian laws and regulations regarding Indonesia migrant workers' migration procedure and issues, including rights and responsibilities, which is divided into 3 broad parts: pre-departure, during work abroad, and post-employment / repatriation. It aims to raise awareness of safe migration, as a preventive measure for departing migrant workers. The research also serves as a summary for frontline organizations and paralegals so they are aware of the procedural process.

Migrant Domestic Workers & Illegal Deployment in Singapore

A yearlong research project conducted by Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Prolegis LLC, and JWB, this paper includes discussion on the applicability of the doctrine of illegality to cases involving migrant domestic workers who have been illegally deployed to work outside of their employer’s residence in Singapore. The paper also considers the legal avenues available to such workers in seeking compensation for the work done under their illegal deployment, with an emphasis on the causes of action available in contract and in restitution.

2021 Annual Report

Justice Without Borders 2021 Annual Report

Just Compensation: A Toolkit for Cross-Border Access to Justice for Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong

JWB has partnered with Herbert Smith Freehills to produce ‘Just Compensation: A Toolkit for Cross-Border Access to Justice for Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong’.

2020 Annual Report

Justice Without Borders in 2020