2016 Annual Report

Published on: July 1, 2017 Language: English Type: Annual Reports

Justice Without Borders 2016 Annual Report: Bringing Justice Home

JWB grew dramatically as we continued building international lifelines to just compensation. We expanded our reach across Indonesia, Singapore, and Hong Kong, bringing critical knowledge and know-how to our frontline partners on how to help workers pursue civil claims against their abusers, even after returning home.

Key highlights of the Annual Report include:

  • Expansion into Indonesia, including establishing partnerships with Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI), one of the country’s largest migrant worker organisation, and bringing on our Indonesia Pro Bono Officer and policy veteran Sri Aryani.
  • Launched the Bahasa Indonesia translations of The Singapore and Hong Kong Practitioner’s Manuals for Migrant Workers (Manual Bagi Para Praktisi Buruh Migran: Mengajukan Gugatan Perdata di Singapura/Hong Kong dan dari Luar Negeri). This comprehensive tool enables lawyers and front-line service providers to identify civil claims under Singapore and Hong Kong laws for victims of labour exploitation and human trafficking.
  • Expanded test litigation by screening 56 prospective cases, and selecting 20 cases for development in 2016.
  • Tripled front-line capacity for cross-border litigation via our inaugural Caseworker Forum and Training for Singaporean and regional NGOs, and regular training and workshops for pro bono lawyers in Hong Kong and Singapore.
  • Brought a substantial return on investments for our supporters. Every $1 raised generated nearly $10 in pro bono services.Download a copy of our 2016 Annual Report to learn more about how we are building access to just compensation for migrant workers in our region and beyond.