Critical know-how for pursuing civil claims

June 17, 2016

Developing Practitioner’s Manuals for Migrant Workers: How to Pursue Civil Claims at Home and Abroad

2nd ed manualHK Practitioners' Manual      Manual Cover (Bahasa Indonesia)     Image of Bahasa HK Manual

JWB has developed comprehensive legal resources in Singapore and Hong Kong on how to identify, develop and bring civil claims against exploiters even after the worker has returned home. These guides help caseworkers screen cases for potential legal claims, while helping host country lawyers prepare litigation for their clients.

Legal aid in most countries is focused on migrant workers who have not yet left for home. Very little information exists on what remedies are available to victims bringing suit from abroad, or even the procedural hurdles that must be overcome. Pro bono practitioners are often forced to attempt these complex cases through trial and error.

Our Singapore Practitioner’s Manual was launched in 2014. The Second Edition was published in May 2016, and is now available. The Manual has also been been translated into Bahasa Indonesia.

Our Hong Kong Practitioner’s Manual was launched in December 2015, and is already being used in the field as we and our Hong Kong partners screen potential cases for litigation. We are now in the process of translating the Manual into Bahasa Indonesia; it will be available soon.

To learn more:


Hong Kong